Out of stockThis product only includes the reservation for ACJ Course Mock Exam. The Exam Dates to be announced.
Out of stockThis product only includes the reservation for ACJ Course Mock Exam. The Discussion sessions are pre recorded exams and would broadcast over the streaming platform (Zoom) The Exam Dates to be announced.
Out of stockThis product only includes the reservation for ACJ Course Mock Exam. The Exam Dates to be announced.
Out of stockThis Package includes online Sessions provided over the Zoom, 4 mocks exams and 8 discussion sessions and two updated booklets and membership in VIP Facebook group Registration Closed
Out of stockThis Package contains : 22 Pre-recorded courses streamed over online platform once (Zoom) Confinote ACJ Booklet 4 Mock Exams + Prerecorded Mock Exams
Out of stockThis Package includes online Sessions provided over the Zoom, 4 mock exams and 8 discussion sessions and two updated booklets, and membership in the VIP Facebook group For Mock exams and discussion classes, you should be in Canada
Out of stockThis Package includes online Sessions provided over the Zoom, 4 mock exams and 8 discussion sessions and two updated booklets, and membership in the VIP Facebook group For Mock exams and discussion classes, you should be in Canada
Out of stockThis Package includes online Sessions provided over the Zoom, 4 mock exams and 8 discussion sessions and two updated booklets, and membership in the VIP Facebook group For Mock exams and discussion classes, you should be in Canada
Out of stockThis Package includes online Sessions provided over the Zoom, 5 mock exams and 10 discussion sessions and two updated booklets, and membership in the VIP Facebook group For Mock exams and discussion classes, you should be in Canada
Out of stockFor seat reservation at ACJ Feb- 2021 Course NDEB Exam on May 7-8 2021